Lifestyle changes to prevent cancer attacks

When it comes to cancer and how it can be prevented, there are more myths associated with the same than established, proven facts. These myths are especially associated with the lifestyle to be maintained to prevent contacting any cancerous growth. As a cancer detection centre Kerala, we often get quite a lot of inquiries from our patients about the lifestyle changes they need to make to prevent cancer.

Today, let us discuss about various lifestyles and habits that can prevent cancer from attacking your body.

Do not smoke or give up if you do

This is a no-brainer and the most widely advised lifestyle change to prevent cancer. Tobacco contains about 50 diverse carcinogenic substances that can cause serious cancerous growth in a person. A staggering 14 different types of cancers are associated with tobacco use and about 25-30% of cancerous deaths are due to smoking.

If you are a person with a habit of smoking or using tobacco, it is high time that you stopped it.

Keeping ideal weight

Obesity and overweight are courted to be a reason accounting for 20% of all cancer deaths. Fats collected on body parts contribute to irregularities in hormonal production, inflammation and diabetes, all of which have been found to contribute to cancerous conditions.

Having a careful diet and getting involved in physical activities that burn excess calories can improve the quality of life and keep the attack of cancer away considerably.

Pay attention to what you eat

If you eat more vegetables and less red meat, the chances preventing cancer can be extremely high. Diet is a definite reason that is unequivocally linked to cancer and cancer induced deaths. Make sure that you include the following in your diet;

  • Whole grains
  • Minerals
  • Legumes
  • Fruits and vegetables that are heavy in vitamins
  • Antioxidants
  • Dietary fibers

Along with these items, consult your doctor helping with cancer diagnosis to flesh out a befitting diet.

Indulge in physical activities

It is a known fact that people who are sedentary are more prone to being contacted by cancer than other indulging in physical activities. Exercises are an incredible way to keep a healthy weight, regulated hormonal levels, enhanced immunity and metabolic rates. Practicing yoga or walking for about 150 minutes a week can help the person ward off cancer attacks.

It is important that you do not jump into taking strenuous activities; rather you must consult with your physician helping you with cancer diagnosis to help you figure the best activities that suit your requirements.

Check your alcohol consumption

If you are a person who consumes alcohol, the best way to stay healthy and away from cancer is to avoid the same. Alcohol is not at all god for your health and especially when it comes to cancer. Alcohol is associated directly with cancers of the;

  • Mouth
  • Pharynx
  • Liver
  • Colon-rectum
  • Larynx
  • Esophagus
  • Female breast

It is important that you completely quit drinking or moderate your consumption if you cannot. Abstinence is the best way to ensure that you steer off any chances of cancer in the future.

These lifestyle changes can prevent the chances of cancer attacks. Along with following these, cancer diagnosis done at the right time can help you escape from the clutches of this disease. As there are several cancer detection centers, Kerala, equipped with advanced Pet CT Scanning equipment, early detection is possible for better treatment.

However, always remember the good old saying, “prevention is better than cure”.


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